What if we gave the Have To’s, Shoulds, and Need To’s a rest for a moment and moved towards the callings of our heart?

What would life look like if we gave the Have To’s, Shoulds, and Need To’s a rest for a moment and moved towards the callings of our heart?

 Sometimes it feels like my life is a circus of events and I just need to get out of the clown car!!

 We go about our daily tasks and set off various sequences of events and before we know it life takes on a momentum of its own and we’re no longer holding onto the driving wheel.

 As I move into the second phase of my life, I’m more in tune and in need of meaningful exchanges, experiences, and connection. The ‘hands off the wheel’ approach no longer feels comfortable and I’m in need of more attention to my intentions.

 I crave a life filled with more of what feeds and fills my heart and less of what doesn’t. More and more I’m committed to ensuring as best I can that I don’t leave this world with regrets and a shortage of memories and experiences filled with love, wonder and connection.

So, I will give the Have To’s, Shoulds, and Need To’s a rest for a moment and move towards the callings of my heart. Taking time to cuddle on the couch, drive to Philly to see my grandson make another touchdown, visit my daughter’s garden, and savor her freshly harvested veggies and relish the long talks over meals with my oldest that she prepares just like her grandmother.  Just thinking of it calms my Spirit and makes me smile. Care to join me?

Monet Cole


Are STERBs Distracting You?


Don't let yesterday use up too much of today… Native American Proverb