Are STERBs Distracting You?

Short Term Energy Relieving Behaviors – these are our ‘go to’ behaviors when we’re stressed and/or grieving.  They can be surprisingly innocent habits such as exercising, becoming the ‘guru’ for your friends, cleaning, etc., BUT if they are keeping you from tuning into your emotions as you process through a tough time, they can be as problematic as the more negative behaviors such as overeating and drinking.


STERBs can give us the illusion that we’re dealing with our issues by putting our energy into other activities, but they just prolong our healing and ability to process the emotions at the core of the stress and grief we’re experiencing.


While I’m not suggesting we release all of our STERBs, I am suggesting that we become aware of the times when we go for a run or reach for a drink instead of sitting in the emotions of what’s happening in our lives and dealing with the pain, anxiety, etc.  There will be times where you will still choose to shop until you drop, but at least be aware that you’re making the choice to avoid the feelings that are coming up.


This awareness is the first step in moving away from the STERBs and towards your emotional work.  Discovery leads to our recovery.  So, the next time you reach for your comfort food, or take on the problems of the world – ask yourself if there’s something brewing inside of you that you’re avoiding.


Drop me a line at and let me know what you think - what are your STERBs?  How do they make you feel when you’re stressed out or grieving?

Monet Cole


Getting Back into Life’s Flow


What if we gave the Have To’s, Shoulds, and Need To’s a rest for a moment and moved towards the callings of our heart?